We, as members of the Catholic Church of Jesus Christ, responding in faith to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, desiring to unite together to proclaim the Word, celebrate the Sacraments, and carry out God’s mission, “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2-4), do hereby adopt this Constitution and solemnly pledge ourselves to be governed by its provisions. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


A.  The name of this parish community shall be Holy Angels Independent Catholic Church.

B.   For purposes of the Constitution and any accompanying Bylaws, “Holy Angels Independent Catholic Church” is herein-after designated as “Faith Community, “Parish,” or “Corporation,” depending on context.

C.   This Faith Community shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of California.


A.  As an independent Catholic community, we invite all to experience and share God’s love.

B.   Our Mission Statement is defined by Guiding Values, as follows:

1.       To welcome all and provide a sense of belonging in our open and loving Faith Community;

2.       To support a clerical team that is diverse and which embraces a servant’s ministry;

3.       To offer a liturgy that is authentic, fulfilling, and Holy Spirit-inducing, while offering the Eucharist to all at Christ’s table;

4.      To work toward racial and social justice, and reach out to those in need, as expressions of our faith.



A.  We affirm that as People of God baptized in Christ, lay and ordained, we join together in response to the messianic call of the Spirit to preach the Gospel of justice, liberation, reconciliation and peace; to offer a refuge in Christ for those who suffer prejudice, exclusion, or neglect; to be open to dialogue with others so called, and to conform our lives to the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. We profess our faith in Christ in the living Catholic tradition handed to us from the apostles through many generations. We welcome opportunities to dialogue with those of other religious identities and faith traditions.

B.   We affirm that each baptized person is an equal member of the Catholic Church – diverse in their sacramental identities and ministries – and that in our Faith Community equality will be reflected in collaborative governance and ministry; that all are welcome to participate fully in the sacramental life of the Church; that ordained ministry is open to all the baptized; and that in moral and ethical decision-making the Faith Community supports the primacy of an individual’s fully formed conscience.

C.   Christ – We affirm the faith of the ancient Christian Church that the person of Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Christ, the hope of Israel who has been revealed to us as the son of God and who through his life, death and resurrection brings salvation to the whole world.

D.  Church – We affirm that the Church of Jesus Christ embodies all who follow Jesus and are joined in an indissoluble union with Christ and one another through baptism becoming the People of God. This Body of Christ is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic and is entrusted with continuing the saving work of Christ in the world through the proclamation of the Gospel and the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries which are commonly called the Sacraments.

E.   Scripture – We affirm the Sacred Scriptures that have been handed on to us through the apostolic Tradition and are held in common with the historic Catholic Church. These Sacred Writings are truly inspired by the human encounter with the Divine in history and are both reliable and authoritative in matters of faith and practice.

F.   Sacraments – We affirm that the church in her very nature is sacramental. Therefore, the work of the Church is essentially understood as a Sacramental Ministry. The Sacraments are grace-filled moments of encounter with the Divine. Through our participation in the celebration of these Divine Mysteries we are renewed by the saving presence of the Resurrected Christ.

G.  Creed – We affirm the Nicene Creed as the foundational profession of Catholic faith as it was originally promulgated by the Ecumenical Councils of Nicea in 325 and Constantinople in 381. We realize that this profession does not preclude further development in our theological understanding and expression.

H.  The Declaration of Utrecht – We affirm that the Declaration of Utrecht (September 24, 1889) is consistent with the ancient tradition of the Catholic Church in its rejection of both universal papal jurisdiction and the infallibility of the papal office.

I.    Evangelism – We affirm our collective call to bring people into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus Christ and, as messengers of the good news, to use our combined gifts of time, talents, and money to put our faith into action. A commitment to charity, acts of mercy and social justice shall inform our budget and our outreach to those in need.

J.    Our Catholic Culture – We affirm above Sections A-B as definitive of the mission and creed of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC) to which we belong and Sections C-G as definitive of the Catholic tradition in general of which we and the ECC are a part. We affirm section H as definitive of the Old Catholic tradition specifically which informs our Synodal polity and Section I as definitive of a core identity of our Faith Community.


A.  Anyone is welcome to participate in liturgies and ministries of the Parish whether or not they choose to become Registered Members.

B.   Registered Members are those adults, 18 years of age and older, who wish to increase their participation in our Faith Community. Confirmed young people at least 15 years of age but under the age of 18 who are the children of Registered Members or sponsored by a Registered Member shall also be eligible to become Registered Members. Registered Members commit to:

1.       Share in the responsibilities of the Parish.

2.       Serve in the ministry of the Parish through the use of each one’s unique gifts.

3.       Support the mission of the Parish through regular attendance and giving of time, talent, and/or financial support, as they are able.

4.       Seek unity in the Parish and in support of its mission.

C.   Registered Members will be entitled to vote on those issues reserved for Registered Members and on other issues referred to them by the Parish Council. Registered Members are also eligible to hold positions on the Parish Council and may serve as leaders for the Parish Ministry Teams. The Parish Council is authorized to create a process for registration and shall maintain an accurate list of Registered Members.


A.  The Parish Council is the decision-making body dedicated to fulfilling the mission and the obligations of the Parish.  Subject to the provisions of the Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law of the State of California and subject to the limitations in these Bylaws relating to actions required or permitted to be taken or approved by the Registered Members (Article VII: Parish Decision Process), the affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the Board of Directors.  Under its general power to delegate the management of affairs of the Corporation, the affairs and activities of the Corporation shall be managed and conducted by the Parish Council, pursuant to these Bylaws.  The number of directors shall be no less than three (3) or more than five (5) persons and shall include the President/Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Parish Council.

B.   The Parish Council shall work collaboratively with and delegate certain administrative authority and responsibilities to the Pastor as defined in Article VI (Clergy).

C.   The Council shall be responsible for making and implementing decisions on (but not limited to):

1.             Promoting opportunities for sharing faith in community, prayer and ministry.

2.             Providing religious education.

3.             Liturgy and music.

4.             Public relations.

5.             Hospitality.

6.             Mission.

7.             Hiring and firing of parish staff and other issues related to human resources, including long-term planning.

8.             The physical needs of the parish environment.

9.             The financial and budget needs of the Parish, including regular reports on budget, revenues and expenses to assure transparency for the Faith Community, and regular and consistent financial control.

10.         Acquisitions and purchases for the parish.

11.         The legal and financial obligations of the parish.

12.         Parish fundraising.

13.         Work performed by the various committees.

D.  The Parish Council shall form Ministry Teams from the community to help develop and implement the above-listed areas of Church life. Each of these Parish Ministry Teams shall have at least one Parish Council member as liaison to the Council. Procedures for member selection and membership duration, Council operation and Ministry Teams are defined in Article IX (Ministry Teams and Parish Committees).


A.     All clergy must meet the guidelines for ordination or incardination in compliance with the Ecumenical Catholic Communion Constitution and statutes and must have valid faculties issued by the local Ordinary Bishop.

B.      Pastor

The Pastor is a validly ordained priest who is the leader of the Parish. Called and authorized by the faith community to serve as its pastor, the Pastor has the primary responsibility for the spiritual life of the community. The Pastor shall:

1.             Oversee and guide the activities of all ordained or lay staff and pastoral leaders in their parish responsibilities.

2.             Oversee and approve the liturgical programs and sacramental celebrations of the parish.

3.             Assist in the budgeting and business planning of the parish.

4.             Collaborate with Parish Council in the administration of the parish.

5.             Develop and maintain relationships with the members of the faith community.

6.             Serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Parish Council.

7.             Partner actively with the Parish Council in fulfilling the mission of the parish.

8.             Reserve the right to veto the appointment of any parishioner to a Parish Ministry Team or Council, which can be overturned only with a unanimous vote of all Parish Council members. The unanimous vote of the Parish Council shall stand as the final decision on the matter.

9.             Convene and lead meetings of the Parish Clergy, which shall be scheduled at least monthly.

10.         Attend the regularly scheduled meetings of the clergy of the ECC Diocese.

11.         Serve in the House of Pastors of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.

Any additional specific duties, compensation, and other matters pertaining to the service of the Pastor shall be included in a letter of appointment extended by the Parish Council.

C.      Associate Pastor(s)

The Associate Pastor is a validly ordained priest who, with the Pastor, is responsible for the spiritual life of the Faith Community and other duties as determined by the Pastor in cooperation with the Parish Council. Depending on the needs of the Community as determined by the Pastor and the Parish Council, more than one Associate Pastor may be appointed. The Associate Pastor(s) shall attend the regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Parish Clergy convened by the Pastor.

D.     Affiliated Clergy

Other validly ordained priests may also be called to service as Affiliated Clergy and assigned duties as determined by the Pastor in cooperation with the Parish Council.

E.      Deacons

Deacons are ordained clergy with a direct connection to, and under the primary authority of, the Diocesan Ordinary Bishop. Deacons may be assigned to the Parish, where their activities and responsibilities will be determined by mutual agreement among the Ordinary, the Deacon, the Pastor and the Parish Council. Deacons assigned to the Parish shall attend the regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Parish Clergy convened by the Pastor.  A Deacon may also be assigned ministries outside the local Parish.

F.      Other Clergy

Other Clergy wishing to participate in any liturgical services or officiate at weddings, baptisms, etc. under the auspices of or at facilities identified as Holy Angels Independent Catholic Church must seek and gain permission from the Pastor.


A.     All authority in the Parish is held by the Community and delegated as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws. The Community believes that God is active in the lives of parishioners and that God’s Word for the Parish is primarily discerned in the faith experiences of the Community.

B.      Retained Authority: The parish as a whole, through its Registered Members, retains the authority to 1) select the Parish Council; 2) select the Pastor, Associate Pastors, Deacons, and other clergy; 3) approve changes to the Constitution and Bylaws; 4) make decisions about the conveyance of real estate; 5) enter into debt; and 6) make decisions regarding Parish affiliation.

C.      Ordinary Parish decision-making authority is distributed as follows:

1.       Pastor

The Pastor is the delegated decision maker in these areas:

a.       Management of the Parish Clergy.  The Pastor shall make recommendations to the Bishop and Parish Council for ordination of priest and deacon candidates and the dismissal of clergy.

b.       Approval and oversight of liturgical and sacramental programs and initiatives within the Parish.

c.       Initiation or modification of activities within the Parish as necessary in order to maintain and enhance the spiritual and theological direction of the Parish.

d.       The Pastor is an ex officio non-voting member of the Parish Council.

2.       Parish Council

The ordinary decision-making responsibilities of the Parish Council are specified in Article V (Parish Council) of the Constitution.  The Parish Council shall strive to build consensus in its decision-making process. If it is not possible to reach consensus after respectful disagreement and prayerful reconsideration of what seems best for the Parish and seeking the Kingdom of God, matters shall be decided at Parish Council meetings by a simple majority vote, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.

D.     Only Registered Members are eligible to vote. Voting shall be conducted in such a way that all Registered Members have the opportunity to vote.  Except as otherwise stated herein, outcomes shall be determined by a simple majority of those who voted.  The period for voting shall be no more than 31 days and shall be clearly stated in each voting notice.

E.      Special decision-making provisions: Under extraordinary circumstances, special decision-making processes are required. These are detailed in the following Articles, as needed.


The meetings of Registered Members shall be held at any place designated by the Parish Council.

A.     Annual Meeting

1.       The annual meeting of the Registered Members shall be held on the first Sunday of March.  If this date is inconvenient, the annual meeting shall be held each year on a date designated by the Parish Council within twenty (20) days of the above date, upon proper notice to the Registered Members.

2.       The agenda shall include a financial report, reports from the Ministry Teams, and the review and adoption of the Parish budget by a vote of the Registered Members. The agenda may include educational presentations, discernment for the vision of the parish, or discussion of matters retained for decision by the whole Parish.

B.      Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Registered Member, for any reason whatsoever, may be called by the Parish Council.

C.      Notice of meetings

Notice of meetings, annual or special, shall be given in writing not less than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting to the Registered Members, members of the Parish Council, and the Pastor.  Such notice shall contain the date, place, and hour of the meeting, and the means of electronic communication and electronic video communication, if any, by which Registered Members may participate in the meeting.  The notice shall state (1) in the case of the annual meeting those matters that the Parish Council intends to present for action by the Registered Members, and (2) in the case of a special meeting, the nature of business to be conducted.  The notice shall also contain or be accompanied with, any report that the Parish Council is required to provide or wishes the Registered Members consider at the meeting. The notices or any reports may be given to the Registered Members personally or by mail, or other means of written communication, including electronic transmission.

D.     Conduct of meetings

1.       A meeting of the Registered Members may be conducted, in whole or in part, by electronic communication or electronic video communication from and to the meeting.

2.       A quorum of any meeting of the Registered Members shall consist of a majority of Registered Members. The Registered Members at a duly called or held meeting may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Registered Members to leave less than a quorum, if any action taken (other than adjournment) is approved by a majority of the Registered Members.

3.       A meeting of the Registered Members at which a quorum is present may be adjourned to another time and place and any business that might have been transacted at the original meeting may be transacted at the adjourned meeting. Notice of the adjourned meeting need not be given to Registered Members and others entitled to notice if the time and place of the adjourned meeting are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken, unless the adjournment is for more than forty-five (45) days, in which case new notice shall be given.

4.       Voting at meetings of the Registered Members of the Parish shall be by a simple majority of those Registered Members in attendance, unless otherwise required by these Bylaws.


A.     Membership

1.        The Parish Council shall consist of at least five and no more than nine voting members.

2.       The Pastor and any clergy designated by the Pastor serve as ex-officio non-voting members.

3.       The minimum requirement to serve on the Council is to have been a Registered Member of the Parish for at least one year.

4.       Compensated Parish staff and family members of staff are excluded from serving as voting members of the Parish Council.

B.      Membership Term

1.       Council members will serve a three-year term.

2.       The terms of the voting members are staggered such that approximate one-third (1/3) of the members complete their term and are replaced each year. In the event the normal staggering is disrupted through resignations or removal of a member, the Council may adjust the process to ensure continuity.

3.       There is no limit to the number of terms a Council member may serve, provided one may not serve more than two consecutive terms or seven consecutive years.

C.      Selection of Council Members

1.       Parish Council members shall be nominated by the Registered Members of the Parish and selected by them in an election coordinated by the Parish Council in accordance with Article VII, Section D (Parish Decision Process).

2.       If a Council member leaves before fulfilling the full term of election, the Council may appoint a new member to complete the term.

D.     Election and Appointment of Council Officers

1.       The Council shall elect a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer for a term of one year; re-election to a Council office is permitted.

2.       The Vice-Chair shall serve in the absence of the Council Chair.

3.       The Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer shall assume fiduciary responsibility for the Corporation and be designated as its Directors on legal documents during the period of their service.

4.       The Council will appoint individual Council Members to serve in various capacities as it deems necessary to carry out its duties.

5.       The Council will appoint a Finance Committee Chair who may or may not be an elected Council Member.

E.      Duties of Parish Council Chair

The Council Chair shall be responsible for, but not limited to:

1.   Scheduling and notification of Council meetings.

2.   Moderating Council meetings.

3.   Administering or delegating the voting process within the Council.

4.   Delegating tasks within the Council.

5.   Calling upon Ministry teams to submit annual reports and budgets.

6.   Ensuring that all Council members fulfill their responsibilities during their term.

7.   Acting as Parish Council liaison to the pastoral team. The Chair may delegate this responsibility to another Parish Council member.

F.      Duties of the Parish Council Secretary

The duties of the Secretary include, but are not limited to:

1.        Preparing and maintaining records of the Parish Council meetings and meetings of the Registered Members.

2.       Maintaining the Registered Members list and contact information.

3.       Preparing and maintaining records of all votes taken by the Registered Members on issues retained for them in Article VII, Section B (Parish Decision Process) or referred to them by the Parish Council.

4.       Maintaining other parish records and filing legal documents.

5.       Assuring production and distribution of the annual report for the annual meeting of the Registered Members.

G.      Duties of the Parish Council Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to:

1.       Monitoring and processing income and expenditures.

2.       Recording financial donations and issuing end-of-year statements to donors.

3.       Keeping financial records and generating reports as needed.

4.       Serving on and/or leading the Finance Committee.

H.    Responsibilities of Parish Council Members

1.   Attending and participating in all monthly Council meetings, special designated meetings, and the Parish Council Retreat(s), unless previously excused upon notification of the Council Chair.

2.   Reviewing all materials prior to each meeting and actively participating in and contributing to the work of the Parish Council.

3.   Serving in at least one ministry or committee in addition to the Parish Council.

I.        Frequency of Meetings

1.   The Parish Council shall normally meet once each month. Meetings may be added or rescheduled by the Chair, by a motion of a Council member, or by consensus.

2.   The Parish Council may call meetings of the full Parish when deemed necessary or appropriate.

J.        Meeting Procedures

1.   At least one week prior to each meeting, the Council members shall notify the Council Chair of any issues they wish to discuss at the meeting. The Chair shall prepare a meeting agenda and deliver it to the rest of the Council prior to the meeting.  The Chair shall conduct the meeting according to the agenda order of business. Decisions shall be made, whenever possible, by consensus. If consensus if not reached, it shall be reported as failed or passed by a majority vote.

2.   Decisions, in order to be recognized, require that a quorum of the Council, either in person or by proxy, be present. A quorum is a majority of the voting Council members. A voting proxy must be in writing, to include e-mail, text, or FAX, submitted to the Chair. If a quorum is not available, any decision requiring a vote shall be postponed until the next meeting at which a quorum is present.

K.  Removal of a Council Member

1.   A Council member may be removed for cause including, but not limited to, the following:

a.   Behavior that is not consistent with or representative of the mission of the Parish.

b.   Behavior that is in direct opposition to the vision of the Council and continuously undermines the objectives of the Council.

c.   Absence in excess of three (3) meetings per year.

2.       The Council Chair and the Pastor shall be responsible for the counseling of a Council member. If the Chair is the council member in question, the Pastor and one member of the Council shall be responsible for the counseling.

3.       Removal of a Council Member requires a 2/3 vote of the Council.


A.        The purpose of Ministry Teams and Parish Committees is to implement the mission of the Parish and the decisions of the Parish Council and the Pastoral Team. 

B.         Ministry Teams: There shall be four Parish Ministry Teams organized to oversee all parish committees. Each Ministry Team shall be comprised of a representative from each Parish committee under its umbrella.  A Council Member shall be assigned by the Parish Council to advise each Ministry Team and to represent the Ministry Team at Council meetings; additional team members may be asked to report to the Council as necessary.  The Council Liaison does not necessarily serve as the Ministry Team leader, but shall be responsible, either directly or by delegation, for appropriate and timely execution of administrative functions, such as scheduling, coordination and frequency of Ministry Team meetings, as well as collecting budget information from all committees as outlined below.

1.       Governance Ministry Team Responsibilities:

a.       To develop fiscal plans and manage Parish resources, including budget preparation and consultation.

b.      To create awareness of internal needs and foster a shared objective to fund the Parish.

c.       To develop and nurture a donor base for the Parish.

d.      To foster awareness of Holy Angels in the greater Southern California community ensuring that all are welcome to join our community.

e.       To ensure adequate physical space to conduct liturgies and other Parish activities.

Committees must include a Finance Committee and may include, but are not limited to, a Stewardship Committee, a Facilities Committee, a Communication and Public Relations Committee, and a Nominating Committee.

2.       Liturgical Ministry Team Responsibilities:

a.       Plan the Parish liturgical year and celebrations;

b.       train and sustain liturgical ministries;

c.       strengthen Parish values of welcome and inclusivity.

d.       The Pastor or his representative priest will chair the Liturgy Committee.

Committees may include, but are not limited to, a Liturgy Committee, a Music Ministry (includes dance/movement), a Eucharistic Ministry (includes baking, washing and administering), a Sacristan Ministry (includes ushers and greeters), and a Preaching Ministry (includes lectors).

3.   Community Life Ministry Team Responsibilities:

a.   Welcome new members into the Faith Community.

b.   Create systems and structures to support the care of existing members’ spiritual needs.

c.   Foster a sense of community outside of liturgy, creating spaces and events for members to build friendship and fellowship.

Committees may include, but are not limited to Children and Adult Education, a Bereavement Ministry, a Caring Ministry, a Hospitality Committee, a Membership Committee, and a Community Events Committee.

4.   Outreach Ministry Team Responsibilities:

a.   To discern and implement the Parish’s work for those in need of service that the Team can provide.

b.   To discern and implement actions to bring people outside the Faith Community into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus Christ.

c.   To discern and implement actions for the Faith Community and its members to promote social justice.

Committees may include, but are not limited to, an Evangelism Committee, a Social Justice Committee, and a Committee for Communal Works of Service.

C.   Committee Responsibilities and Governance

1.   Creation or Dissolution of Parish Committees:  The Parish Council shall create or dissolve a Parish Committee by a 2/3 vote of the Parish Council.

2.   Responsibilities of Parish Committees: The following responsibilities apply to all Committees. Additional responsibilities may be included under the specific Ministry.

a.   Fulfill the purpose of the Committee as defined in these Bylaws.

b.       Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Parish Finance Committee.

c.       The Committee shall provide accurate accounting for all events and expenses.

d.       The Committee shall submit all expenses/costs not in the approved budget in advance to the Finance Committee for approval.

e.       The results of all funding initiatives are to be deposited into the parish funds.

f.        Funds will be allocated to a Committee based upon approved budget.

3.   Appointment and Term of Committee Members

a.   Generally, the Parish Council shall ask members of the community to serve on the Committees as necessary; occasionally people and organizations outside of the community may be asked.

b.   There is no term limit for Committee Members.

4.   Appointment and Term of Committee Chair

a.   Each Committee must designate a Chair each year, with the exception of the Liturgy Committee.

b.   Each Committee Chair will serve as a representative to its respective Parish Ministry Team. It is up to each Team to determine the best process to accomplish this requirement, within the guidelines of these Bylaws.

5.   Removal or Resignation of Committee Members

a.   Committee Member may be relieved of his/her duties pursuant to Article XVII, Section D (Separation of Members from the Parish) of the Constitution.  In addition, a Committee Member may be removed for cause including, but not limited to, the following:

i.        Behavior that is not consistent or representative of the mission of the Parish.

ii.       Behavior that is in direct opposition to the vision of the Council, continuously undermining the objectives of the Council.

b.      Removal of a Committee Member requires a 2/3 vote of the Council.


The Parish has voted to affiliate with the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (“ECC”) as a Faith Community within the Diocese of California and shall follow the ECC Constitution and its Statutes. The ECC is a confederation of independently incorporated Churches (or faith communities with their own bishop), which is governed by the House of Laity (HOL), the House of Pastors (HOP), the Office of the Presiding Bishop, and the Council of Bishops.

A.   Expectations of membership shall include:

1.             Following the ECC Constitution and Statutes.

2.             Following the ECC Diocese of California Constitution and Statutes.

3.             Supporting the ECC and the Diocese of California financially and by participating in their Synods.

4.             Receiving and covering the reasonable costs of Episcopal visits unless otherwise determined by mutual agreement between the parish Pastor, the Bishop and the Parish Council.

B.      Separation from the ECC and the Diocese of California

If issues develop between the Parish and ECC which cannot be reconciled, the Parish may decide to leave the ECC and the Diocese of California under the following conditions:

1.      After input from the members, a two-thirds vote of the full Parish Council, in favor of leaving the ECC and the Diocese of California.

1.             A special meeting, with two-week notification, shall be called of all Registered Members.  Following the meeting, a vote shall be conducted in accordance with Article VII (Parish Decision Process).  A two-thirds majority vote in favor of leaving the ECC and the Diocese of California is required for separation.

2.             The Parish Council will have an exit interview with a representative of the Presiding Bishop of the ECC and the ECC Bishop of California.

If all conditions are not met, the Parish remains in the ECC.


A.     House of Laity

1.             The Parish Council shall solicit nominations and select qualified delegates and at least one alternate delegate from the Faith Community’s Registered Membership to serve in the House of Laity for an ECC Synod.

2.             Delegates are to be at least 18 years of age and cannot be ordained clergy.

3.             Delegates’ terms extend to the subsequent ECC Synod or until new delegates have been selected (generally 2-3 years), with the possibility of successive terms.  In order to encourage the engagement of many different Registered Members, and absent special circumstances, no one will serve in the House of Laity more than two successive terms (or 3 successive Synods).

4.             Delegates, if unable to fulfill their role, are succeeded by an alternate delegate appointed by the Parish Council.

5.             If a delegate is unable to attend the Synod, the Parish Council may appoint a surrogate delegate to serve in his/her absence.

B.      House of Pastors

1.             The House of Pastors is comprised of all pastors and designated ministerial representatives from the participating faith communities of the ECC.

2.             The Parish Pastor shall be a member of the House of Pastors for as long as the Pastor serves the Parish in that capacity and is expected, barring an emergency, personally to attend the ECC Synod.

3.             The Pastor shall select from among the ECC clergy on the pastoral staff of the Parish a second delegate to serve as a voting member of the House of Pastors.  If there are no other clergy of the ECC on the pastoral staff, an alternative representative may be selected from the laity to serve as the additional ministerial representative of the Parish.  If there is more than one person eligible, the selection shall be made by the Pastor. The term of office in the HOP is for two (2) years with the possibility of successive terms.


A.     A new Pastor, Associate Pastor, Affiliated Priest, or Deacon shall be called and appointed by the Faith Community.

B.      The steps in selecting a new Pastor/Associate Pastor are as follows:

1.             The Parish Council appoints a Selection Committee of Registered Members and remaining ordained pastoral staff. If any members of the Selection Committee become a candidate for the office of Pastor/Associate Pastor, she or he will no longer participate in the Selection Committee activities.

2.             Selection Committee performs the search for potential candidates from appropriate ECC clergy, clergy willing to be incardinated in the ECC, or anyone with the qualifications and the willingness to be ordained a priest in the ECC.

3.             Approved candidate is presented to the Parish Council. A two-thirds majority vote of the Parish Council is required for approval.

4.             Selection Committee presents their recommendations to the Diocesan Bishop for approval.

5.             Approved candidate is then presented to the Parish members at a special meeting subject to two weeks’ notice. Following this meeting, a simple majority vote of Registered Members is required in accordance with the Parish Decision Making Process.

6.             A letter of appointment including any additional specific duties, compensation, and other matters pertaining to the service of the Pastor/Associate Pastor beyond those listed in Section VI (Clergy) shall be extended to the candidate. Appointments shall be made for 5 years, subject to the agreement of the Pastor/Associate Pastor and the Parish Council about any shorter or longer term.

7.             Appointments are renewable. A notice of non-renewal by either party shall be extended in writing 6 months prior to the end of the appointment.

8.             A review of the Pastor’s/Associate Pastor’s performance, duties and compensation, if any, shall be conducted annually by the Parish Council in cooperation with the Pastor/Associate Pastor.

9.             In the event of an absence without leave, resignation, or incapacitation of the Pastor, so that the Pastor is unable or unwilling to fulfill the Pastor’s constitutionally mandated duties, the Parish Council may name a temporary pastoral director by 2/3 majority vote. The status of the temporary pastoral director will terminate when the Pastor, as determined by Parish Council, is able to return to fulfilling duties listed above or upon hiring a new Pastor.

C.      The steps in appointing other Affiliated Priests for service in the Parish are as follows:

1.             With the approval of the Pastor, the Parish Council and the Registered Members of the Faith Community additional priests may be invited to affiliate with the Community and to serve in the Parish. A two-thirds majority vote of the Parish Council and a simple majority of the Registered Members are required for approval of an Affiliated Priest.

2.             A letter of appointment including any additional specific duties, compensation, and other matters pertaining to the service of the Affiliated Priests shall be extended to the candidate by the Parish Council. Appointments shall be made for 5 years, subject to the agreement of the Affiliated Priest and the Parish Council about any shorter or longer term.

3.             A review of the Affiliated Priest’s performance, duties and compensation, if any, shall be conducted annually by the Parish Council in cooperation with the Pastor and the Affiliated Priests.

4.             Appointments are renewable. A notice of non-renewal by either party shall be extended in writing 6 months prior to the end of the appointment.

D.     The steps in selecting a Deacon for service in the Parish are as follows:

1.             With the approval of the Pastor, the Parish Council and the Registered Members of the Faith Community the Diocesan Ordinary Bishop may assign a Deacon or a candidate for the Diaconate to service in the parish. A two-thirds majority vote of the Parish Council and a simple majority of the Registered Members are required for approval.

2.             A letter of appointment including any additional specific duties, compensation, and other matters pertaining to the service of the Deacon shall be extended to the candidate by the Parish Council. Appointments shall be made for 5 years, subject to the agreement of the Deacon and the Parish Council about any shorter or longer term.

3.             A review of the Deacon’s performance, duties and compensation, if any, shall be conducted annually by the Parish Council in cooperation with the Pastor and Associate Pastor.

Appointments are renewable. A notice of non-renewal by either party shall be extended in writing 6 months prior to the end of the appointment.


If issues develop between the Parish and the Pastor, Associate Pastor(s), Deacons or other clergy that cannot be reconciled, removal of the clergy member is permitted before the end of the appointment stipulated in the Letter of Appointment or its renewal. The Diocesan Ordinary Bishop or an episcopal representative shall be a non-voting observer of these proceedings to insure due process:

A.     Criteria/Grounds

In the event that all attempts at reconciliation have failed, the following criteria apply:

1.             Incompetence.

2.             Unconstitutional behavior.

3.             Abuse of power.

4.             Lack of physical or mental health/emotional health.

5.             Doctrinal misconduct.

6.             Conviction of criminal conduct or sexual assault.

7.             Lack of performance.

B.      Conditions

To remove a Pastor, Associate Pastor, Affiliated Priest, or Deacon, all the following conditions must be met:

1.             Two-thirds of the Parish Council vote in favor of recommending to the Registered Membership that the Pastor, Associate Pastor, Affiliated Priest, or Deacon be removed.

2.             A special meeting, subject to two-weeks notice, shall be called of all Registered Members. Following this meeting, voting shall be conducted in accordance with Article VII (Parish Decision Process). A majority vote in favor of removing the Pastor or other Clergy member is necessary.

3.             Removal or termination must be reported to the Office of the Presiding Bishop of the ECC.

4.             At the time of a pastoral vacancy, an Interim Pastor may be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the full voting Parish Council.


A.     Holy Angels Independent Catholic Church does not discriminate in any and all employment practices and abides by all local and federal laws and regulation that are applicable to a religious, non-profit institution.

B.      Selection and hiring of lay staff, other employees, and independent contractors shall be handled by the Parish Council;

C.       Employment agreements shall specify job expectations and supervisory relationships.

D.     Parish Council shall conduct an annual review of staff and employee performance.

E.      Resignation/ Termination

1.             An employee or lay staff member who chooses to resign is asked to provide Holy Angels Parish Council with four or more weeks of notice of resignation.

2.             An employee or lay staff member may be terminated for criteria as listed in Article XIV, Section A (Removal of Clergy), following review, counseling, and due process.

3.             An employee or lay staff member may be released from his/her position when the position no longer exists.


A.     Clergy, lay staff, and employees are required to maintain standards in accordance with the Code of Ethical Conduct, as outlined and affirmed by the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.

B.      The Parish is the employer of record for its Parish clergy and staff.

C.      The Ecumenical Catholic Communion carries no legal responsibility or liability for the conduct of clergy or staff of the Parish. The Parish is committed to and responsible for reporting, full disclosure, and cooperation with civil authorities in the investigation of allegations of misconduct by its clergy and staff.

D.     Allegations of misconduct shall be reported, according to established guidelines of the Communion, to the Presiding Bishop and the Council of Bishops for review.


Membership in this Parish shall be terminated by any of the following:

A.      Death.

B.      Resignation.

C.      Removal from the roll due to inactivity, defined as two years without attendance at a liturgy and an absence of any contribution of time, talents, or financial support.

D.      In extreme cases the health of the Parish community may require the suspension or removal of a member or an agreement on conditions of participation.  Prior to disciplinary action, the matter will be brought up before the Parish Council and reconciliation will be attempted, proceeding through these successive steps in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-17.

1.             Private counseling by the Pastor.

2.             Counseling by the Pastor in the presence of two Parish Council members.

3.             If the above steps fail, the Pastor will propose appropriate conditions for continued participation. In extreme cases the Pastor may ask the member to leave the Parish.

4.             Illegal activity shall be reported with full disclosure to and cooperation with civil authorities.

5.             Where there is a grievance with a member of the pastoral staff, the Parish Council will appoint a group of three advisors from the community to investigate the situation and make a recommendation to Parish Council.

6.             Reinstatement to the community may be considered by the Pastor and the Parish Council.


Notwithstanding the provisions of these Bylaws, without the prior approval of a majority of the Registered Members, the Parish Council or its delegates shall not:

A.     Sell or otherwise dispose of any property of the Corporation except in the ordinary course of business.

B.      Liquidate or wind up the Corporation.

C.      Borrow money (including without limitation a guarantee of indebtedness), whether on a secured or an unsecured basis, if the total borrowings (including guarantees) of the Corporation would exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the aggregate fair market value of the assets of the Corporation.

D.     Make any capital expenditure in the amount of $1000.00 or more, unless the expenditure has been provided for in the budget adopted for the year of the expenditure.


This faith community’s assets are irrevocably dedicated to religious purposes. No part of the net earnings, properties, or asserts of the faith community on dissolution or otherwise, shall inure to the benefit of any private person or individual, or to any Director or officer of the corporation or faith community. On liquidation or dissolution, all properties and assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of the faith community and corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation that is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and that has established its exempt status under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c)(3).


At a minimum, the following shall have signature authority on Parish banking accounts:

A.      Pastor

B.      Parish Council Chair

C.      Treasurer

A double signature with two of the above signature authorities is required for any unbudgeted single amount of $500.00 or more.



A.     Submission

Amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted by a Parish Council member to the Parish Council one month prior to the Council meeting in which the amendment(s) shall be voted on.

B.      Voting

Adoption of an amendment shall require a favorable vote of 2/3 of the Parish Council, for which votes may be made in absentia by proxy, and a favorable vote of the majority of Registered Members.

C.     Implementation

An adopted amendment shall take effect immediately unless otherwise resolved by the Parish Council.